行李寄存 Bag Drop
- 參賽者於賽事進行登記和裝備檢查後,可前往起點的行李寄存站,行李寄存站在起步前一小時開放。
After the registration and equipment inspection, the participants can go to the luggage handling area at the starting point. The luggage handling area opens one hour before the start. - 每位參賽者只可最多寄存一件包裝妥當行李,大小不可超出30L背囊或相等之容量。
Each participant can only store one piece of packed luggage at most, and the size cannot exceed 30L rucksack or equivalent capacity. - 大會建議參賽者自備防水袋包裝行李。
The organizer recommends that participants bring their own waterproof bags to pack their luggage. - 限制物品:易碎物品及貴重物品。不可儲存易燃物品。
Restricted items: fragile items and valuables. Flammable items ARE NOT ALLOWED. - 任何因處理、運送及存放行李時而導致的損壞或遺失,大會不會為此負責。
The organizer will not be responsible for any damage or loss caused by handling, transporting and storing luggage.
The organizer reserves the right to change the luggage storage arrangement in response to any unexpected situation or bad weather.- 參賽者於賽事進行登記和裝備檢查後,可前往起點的行李寄存站,行李寄存站在起步前一小時開放。