
惡劣天氣下之安排Arrangements in Bad Weather

Before registration

1) 如天文台於2024年10月27日上午6時,仍懸掛黃色、紅色暴雨警告或黑色暴雨警告、一號、三號、八號或以上熱帶氣警告信號、或任何其它惡劣天氣之警告信號仍懸掛,比賽將會取消。

If the Amber, red or black rainstorm warning, No. 1/3/8 typhoon warning, or No. 8 or above tropical weather warning and/or thunderstorm warning is/are still hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory at 6:00 a.m.on October 27, 2024, the event will be cancelled. The relevant arrangements will be announced on the website and by email at 9:00 pm.

During the event

如比賽途中遇上惡劣天氣 ,參賽者應儘快前往安全地方,然後通知大會隊伍的位置,並等候大會安排。參賽者應留意電台的天氣報告廣播,或致電大會熱線查詢有關惡劣天氣下之安排。
In case of bad weather during the event, the participants should go to a safe place as soon as possible, then inform the organizer of the team’s location, and wait for the arrangement of the organizer. Participants should pay attention to the weather report broadcast on the radio station, or call the official hotline to inquire about arrangements in case of bad weather.



1) 賽事取消後,將不會改期舉行。
After the event is cancelled, it will not be rescheduled.

2) 大會所作之安排或決定均以參加者及眾義工之生命安全為優先考慮。
The arrangements or decisions made by the organizer are based on the safety of the participants and volunteers.

3) 大會保留更改及解釋所有決定之最後權利。
The organizer reserves the final right to change and interpret all decisions.

4) 若天氣惡劣,參加者應顧及自身安全而決定是否出席。
If the weather is bad, participants should consider their own safety and decide whether to attend.